How do I enrol in a new course?

Students are automatically enrolled in new courses

Applies to: Students

I don't yet have a Stemble account

If you don't yet have a Stemble account and would like to enrol in a new course, the first step is to get a Stemble account (click here).

I already have a Stemble account

For users that already have a Stemble account from a previous course, new courses are automatically added to your courses list (lefthand navigation bar) whenever your instructor adds you and begins their course.

However, if your instructor enrolled you using a different email address than you were previously using, a second account would have been created for you with the alternate email address. This is the most common issue students have when they ask why they don't see a new course in their list. You can either:

  • login with the alternate email address you have (often, students will have both a personal and institutional email address) or
  • contact and ask that these two be merged into one single account