Which Algorithmic Variables are Used in Tasks?

Learn how to find which algorithmically-generated task variables were used for each task and student in your assignments

Applies to: Instructors

Finding the Algorithmic Parameters

There are two different ways that you, as an instructor, can access the specific algorithmic variables that each student is given for a particular task. This set of variables for an algorithmic question is known as the task state.

  1. All task states can be downloaded for all students in a .csv file for any given assignment
  2. Specific task states for individual students can be accessed on a per question basis through the web platform

First, navigate to the assignment overview page for the assignment that you'd like the data for. On the assignment overview page, select the grades button in the assignment info bar on the right-hand side of the page (pictured below).


CSV Download

To download the CSV with all of the algorithmic parameters for all students for the given assignment, click on the Export Task State button.


This will prompt you to download a .csv file that can be opened in any spreadsheet software.

Task States for Individual Students

You may want to see the version of a question that a specific student was given (and potentially their answers as well). To do this, find their name in the list by scrolling or searching and click on the student's name in the table. This will take you to their version of the assignment.

From there, you can click through the assignment questions to see the task state that the student was given for each of the tasks in the assignment (where available). In the example below, the number of equivalents of species B and C, as well as the equilibrium constant and temperature values were algorithmically generated for each student. The list of algorithmic variables (i.e. the task state) is provided below the question, but you can also see these variables directly in the  text of the question.


Note: grades can also be edited from this page if you want to give a student more credit for any reason. You can find more information regarding grade editing here.